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Wisconsin State Fair 2019
Ella Tretsven showed chickens and ducks at the Wisconsin State Fair Junior Poultry Show in West Allis. She came away with numerous 1st...

Lucky Days - Tractors & Animals
Antique Tractor Show The Luck FFA Antique Tractor Show was held on Saturday. Despite the storm hitting Polk and Barron counties the night...

Washington Leadership Conference 2019
Luck FFA members, Ella Tretsven and Macy Johnson, attended the Washington Leadership Conference in D.C. for a few days in June. Ms....

Luck FFA Member Wins State FFA Talent
Luck FFA Member, Cassie Johnson, competed in the State FFA Talent Competition on the opening day of convention. Her talent performance...

Jerry Curnow Kicks Off FFA Exhibit
Jerry Curnow spoke at the Luck Historical Museum on Monday, June 3rd to kick off the Luck FFA Exhibit that is featured during June. Jerry...

Luck FFA Exhibit at Museum
The Luck FFA and Alumni chapters were invited to create a FFA exhibit that was featured at the Luck Historical Museum during the month of...

Ag on the Lawn 2019
Luck FFA's annual Ag on the Lawn was held on Tuesday, May 7th with great weather. Many FFA students and Alumni members brought tractors...

Luck Museum Dairy Pavilion Opening
The grand opening of the Hanne Ravnholt Pavilion will be held on Saturday, June 15th at 11:00 a.m. The Dairy Pavilion will feature local...

Luck FFA Alumni Scholarships Awarded
The Luck FFA Alumni awarded 7 scholarships to graduating Luck FFA members at Senior Awards Night at Luck School. Alumni member, Jay...

Trees for Threes - ATC & Milwaukee Bucks
The American Transmission Co. and the Milwaukee Bucks presented Luck Public Schools with a check to purchase two tree through their Trees...

Poultry Evaluation Team at State CDE
Members of the Luck FFA took part in the state career development event on April 25-26 at UW-Madison. The team consisting of Lydia Uhlig,...

Egg My Yard
Egg My Yard was new this year and the families that signed up for it loved all the goodies left for the kids hidden around their yards....

Luck FFA Banquet
The Luck FFA Banquet was held at the Lion's Club Hall on Tuesday, April 16th. The FFA banquet was put on by the FFA students, FFA ...

Luck FFA Silent Auction & Dinner
The Luck FFA hosted a Silent Auction and freewill donation dinner at Luck School on April 10th. The dinner was a pulled pork meal. The...

Dairy & Poultry Teams Compete at UW-RF
Six Luck FFA members competed in the UW-River Falls Ag Tech Contest. The contest also serves as a regional FFA Career Development Event...

Section 1 & 2 Spring Leadership Workshop
A leadership workshop was held on Friday, March 29 at Turtle Lake High School for FFA members in Sections 1 and 2. The leadership...

Pollinator Plants Restoration
The Luck agricultural education department received pollinator plants through a grant from Taylor Creek Restoration Nurseries in...

Luck FFA President's March Update
The 2019 spring fruit was delivered on March 25. We were very successful this spring. We sold $7,722 during the 2019 spring sale. For the...

FFA Leadership Workshop Sponsored by Alumni
There will be a leadership workshop for FFA members of Section 1 and 2 on March 29 at Turtle Lake High School from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Learn...

Luck FFA Celebrates FFA Week
Last week was National FFA week and at Luck, we celebrated it by selling cheese curds and milk. We also had an ice cream social set up...
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