The Luck FFA Banquet was held at the Lion's Club Hall on Tuesday, April 16th. The FFA banquet was put on by the FFA students, FFA advisor, and the FFA Alumni. All the FFA officers had a speaking part during the program. All officers introduced the new officer team for the 2019-2020 school year. All new members of the team will learn from this year's officer team to finish out the year.
Wisconsin State Senator, Patty Schachtner, attended and gave a speech. Mr. Hinkel, Luck Schools Superintendent, also gave a speech.
Ella Tretsven received the Greenhand Degree. Ella Tretsven received the Star Greenhand Award. Many members of the Luck FFA Alumni attended.
The Luck FFA presented an Honorary Chapter FFA Degree to a business that contributed to the success of the chapter. This Honorary Chapter Degree went to Schaffer Manufacturing.
