Jerry Curnow spoke at the Luck Historical Museum on Monday, June 3rd to kick off the Luck FFA Exhibit that is featured during June. Jerry was a Luck FFA Officer from 1959- 1961 and the 1961 - 1962 Wisconsin FFA Vice-President. He credited Luck FFA advisor J. Alfred Olson encouraging him to take vocational agriculture classes (Vo-Ag) and be involved in FFA. The Vo-Ag classes were the most useful classes he took. One of the Purina posters in the agriculture classroom stuck with him all the years which said "You are becoming what you will become." Mr. Olson also encouraged him to apply for the Star Farmer Award and State FFA Officer.
The Luck FFA exhibit features photos, awards, and FFA jackets of the Luck FFA chapter over the last 80 years. The exhibit will remain in place through June 30. Jerry Curnow's FFA jackets from the Luck FFA and Wisconsin FFA are on display.
Visit the FFA exhibit during museum hours:
Monday - Friday: 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
