The 2019 spring fruit was delivered on March 25. We were very successful this spring. We sold $7,722 during the 2019 spring sale. For the 2018 sale, we only sold $2,700. Luck FFA Alumni members assisted with sorting and loading fruit.
The top three sellers for the spring sale:
1. Julianna Thompson
2. Tyler Chappelear
3. Gracie Skog
Many of our FFA students attended a Quality meats kick off at Unity school for the Polk County Fair Quality meats show and auction. One of the guest speakers was our own Kristen Konder.
The Middle school FFA quiz bowl competed in sectionals at Prairie Farm Schools. Team members were Sarah Sellent, Jesse Lueck, Amelia King, Gracie Wiltse, and Levi Johnson. The Amery FFA Quiz Bowl team won and will move on to state competition.
On April 6th, the FFA will be going to River Falls for the Career Development Event. This is an Agricultural technology contest. We will be having a team competing in poultry evaluation attend.
On April 10th, the FFA will have a Silent auction and free will donation meal.
The FFA will hold a banquet on April 16th at the Luck Lions Club Hall. This will be a Thank you to business that has sponsored both the FFA and FFA Alumni in different events throughout the year. It will also recognize students with awards throughout the year.
by Julianna Thompson, Luck FFA President
