The Luck FFA Alumni awarded 7 scholarships to graduating Luck FFA members at Senior Awards Night at Luck School. Alumni member, Jay Thompson, presented the scholarships and awards to the FFA members. Julianna Thompson, Sierra Zuniga, Merlin Hibbs, Shayla Hulett, Andrea Johnson, Cloey Johnson, and Katie Christensen received scholarships.
The alumni also awarded Dedicated Service Awards to seniors that wrote an essay for the award. Those members were Julianna Thompson, Sierra Zuniga, Merlin Hibbs, Andrea Johnson, Cloey Johnson, and Katie Christensen.
Every graduating senior FFA member also receives a 5 year associate membership to the Luck FFA Alumni and National FFA Alumni. There were 16 graduating FFA members this year! Julianna Thompson was awarded a Lifetime Membership to the Wisconsin FFA Alumni and National FFA Alumni. This is a value of $350 that the Luck FFA Alumni has awarded her.
