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New Luck Ag Ed Teacher & FFA Advisor hired
Kelly Warwick, of Cumberland, will be the new agricultural education teacher and Luck FFA advisor after the retirement of Mr. Wesle. Ms....

Awards at Wisconsin FFA Convention
Isaiah Tretsven received the Wisconsin FFA Degree at the State Convention in Madison. Nicole Dittbrenner received a State Proficiency...

Krystal Zuniga receives Start-Up SAE Grant
Congratulations to Krystal Zuniga for receiving a $500 grant to start an Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) project from the...

2013 Favorite NW Region Haunted Attraction
Luck FFA Haunted House has tied for first place as the Favorite NW Haunted Attraction voted by visitors to

National Days of Service
Cody Engstrand, Austin Holm, Isaiah Tretsven, Jessica Mattson, Krystal Zuniga, and Nicole Dittbrenner participated in the National Days...
World Dairy Expo 2013
Four of the FFA members went to the World Dairy Expo in Madison. They left on September 30th and came back the next day. Autumn...

Luck FFA member runs for State FFA Officer
Meet the 2013-14 State FFA Officer Candidates The following FFA members have applied to run for the 2013-14 State FFA Officer Team. The...
State FFA CDE 2013
Here are the results from the State FFA CDE (Career Development Event) Competition in Madison. Ag Mechanics Team- 21st Cole Engstrand-...

Wildlife Management Team Wins Again
Career Development Event Results at UW-River Falls The Wildlife team once again took first place. Since the Wildlife team won the state...

2013 District 1 FFA Speaking Contest
Three Luck FFA members in 4 competitions will be moving on to the Sectional Speaking Contest after competing at District. Colton...

Billy Molls to Speak During FFA Week
On Tuesday, February 19, the Luck FFA and Luck FFA Alumni are sponsoring Billy Molls to speak to students in grades 7-12 at Luck High...
Half-Time Conference & Aquaponics
FFA Vice-President Colton Branville and Secretary Gabrielle Groh attended the Half-time Conference in Stevens Point, WI on January 11-12....

Colton Branville & Gabrielle Groh awarded SAE grants
Colton Branville was awarded a $250 aquaculture SAE grant. Gabrielle Groh was awarded a $250 start-up grant to start a SAE project. The...
Section 1 Leadership Workshop
On Tuesday, September 18th, the Luck FFA Chapter went to the Amery Sectional Leadership Conference. There they learned the how tobetter...

Central National Dairy Judging 2012
The Central National FFA Dairy Judging event was held at World Dairy Expo on October 2, 2012. Luck FFA team placed 75th out of 124 teams....

Wisconsin FFA Convention 2012
Luck FFA attended the 83rd Wisconsin State Convention in Madison along with Frederic FFA. The theme for this year’s convention was Unlock...

1st Place at State Wildlife CDE Contest
The Luck FFA team took 1st place at the Wildlife State Career Development Event contest. The contest was held in Madison. There were 37...

Luck FFA Wildlife Team Wins Contest
The Luck FFA had 3 teams competing at the Regional FFA Career Development Event (CDE) contest at UW-River Falls. The three teams competed...

2011 Wisconsin SAE Grant Awarded
Summer Johnson was award a SAE grant by the Wisconsin FFA Foundation for an organic agriculture SAE. The Wisconsin FFA Foundation...

Wisconsin State FFA Convention 2011
Summer Johnson was honored with a Three Star Leader Award. The Three Star Leader Award is based on the local FFA chapter qualifying and...
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