Luck FFA attended the 83rd Wisconsin State Convention in Madison along with Frederic FFA. The theme for this year’s convention was Unlock The Legacy, and that was the topic for many of the speeches that we heard at the sessions. The two delegates for Luck were Krystal Zuniga and Gabrielle Groh; the two delegates for Frederic were Jack Neumann and Mike Runnels. Other attendees were Summer Johnson, Isaiah Tretsven, and of course, our wonderful advisors Mr. Wesle (Luck) and Mr. Lee (Frederic).
While at State Convention, Luck and Frederic FFA attended sessions 3-5, in each session many awards were given out to outstanding chapters and teams. Luck FFA had a few of their own acknowledgements; Summer Johnson and Clint Gage received their State FFA Degree and our Wildlife Management CDE team received a trophy for placing first at State CDE. Career Development Events (CDEs) are contests, which allow FFA members to apply agricultural knowledge and skills towards real life experiences. First place teams and high individual winners will represent Wisconsin at the national competition held in Indiana during the National FFA Convention in October.

After the third session on Tuesday, June 12th (which was our first day and session) attendees were allowed to split off and go to different workshops. Krystal, Isaiah, and Gabrielle attended a workshop called Parliamentary Procedure for Beginners, while Summer, Jack, and Mike went to a Risk Management workshop. During the Parlimentary Procedure workshop, Isaiah, Krystal, and Gabrielle were able to participate in Parliamentary Procedures and experience the benefits of a well planned meeting.

On Wednesday, June 13th, the Career show was being held and Frederic and Luck FFA members split off in their own directions to explore. The CASE IH booth was very popular, as was the Monsanto booth. Many wonderful things came out of the 83rd Wisconsin State Convention and I’m certainly looking forward to the 84th!
by Gabrielle Groh, Luck FFA Secretary