Congratulations to Krystal Zuniga for receiving a $500 grant to start an Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) project from the Wisconsin FFA Foundation! The Wisconsin FFA Foundation recently awarded $18,000 in grants to Wisconsin FFA members working toward successful Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs). There were a total of 29 recipients from 16 different chapters. As part of the overall FFA program, SAEs allow students the opportunity to create their own business or work with an existing operation to build career skills. Through SAE programs, students apply concepts learned in the agricultural education classroom to real-world opportunities and experiences. The Wisconsin FFA Foundation awards SAE grants to assist students in propelling their SAE programs. The 2013-14 grants were awarded in four different SAE categories: aquaculture, dairy, organic agriculture and start-up. Successful candidates were chosen based on the level and scope of their SAE in accordance with their age, future goals and plans for the program and financial need. "One of the unique aspects of this program is that our SAE grant partners are invited in to perform the SAE grant selection," says Sara Schoenborn, executive director of the Wisconsin FFA Foundation. "It is a terrific opportunity for them to see not only the quality of our Wisconsin FFA members but also the impact their sponsorship dollars have. SAEs allow a student to pursue his or her dreams we are proud to be a part of that." To compete for funding, students completed a five-page application that explained their SAE program to-date, how much funding they were requesting, the anticipated use of the funds, financial need, future goals for their SAE program and other FFA and school-related activities. Each applicant's FFA advisor also submitted a statement about the student's involvement and SAE. Program sponsors and grant recipients are as follows: Aquaculture SAE grants were sponsored by the Wisconsin Aquaculture Association. A $500 grant was awarded to Adam Richards of Brodhead FFA. Dairy SAE grants were sponsored by: Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, Saputo Cheese USA Inc., Foremost Farms USA, Nasco and We Energies-Agriculture Services Program. Grants in the amount of $1,000 were awarded to: Jenifer Krull, Bonduel FFA; Hannah Nelson, Ellsworth FFA; Paige Nelson, Ellsworth FFA; Isabella Hudson, Ellsworth FFA; Anne Runde; Janesville Craig FFA; Carley Krull, Lake Mills FFA; Allison Foster, Montello FFA; Julia Heiman, Neillsville FFA; Abby Field, Reedsburg FFA; and Katelyn Zimmerman, Spencer FFA. Tony Ward of Clinton FFA and Katie Kovalaske of Waterloo FFA each received $300 SAE grants. Organic Agriculture SAE grants were sponsored by Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative, Inc. Brianna Hadley, Brodhead FFA; Allison Schulist, Stevens Point FFA; and Elisha Riley, Waupaca FFA, received the $700 grants. Start-up grants were provided by Sartori Cheese and ST Paper. Start-up grants were awarded as follows: $500: Jacob Kinneman, Ellsworth FFA; Krystal Zuniga, Luck FFA; Madeline Hopke, Shell Lake FFA; Emily Micke, Thorp FFA; Desken Hunt, Thorp FFA; and Trenda Conant, Tomah FFA. $300 grants were awarded to: Ryan Quinn, Black Hawk FFA; Zachary Pittman, Clear Lake FFA; and Leo Skarlupka, West De Pere FFA. $225 Start-up SAE grants for: Isabella Kox, De Pere FFA; Seth Wittmer, Prairie Farm FFA; Taylor Eilers, Waupaca FFA; and Garrett Orr, Waupaca FFA. The Wisconsin FFA Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) organization, unites individuals, organizations and companies who share a common interest in the advancement of agriculture and community leadership through FFA. You can support today's FFA members by supporting the programs that have been core tenets of the FFA: proficiency awards, career development events, state FFA degrees, sectional leadership workshops, scholarships, chapter awards, agri-science fair, state FFA convention and state officer support. Learn more about the Wisconsin FFA Foundation and sponsorship opportunities by visiting www.wisconsinffafoundation.org.