Three Luck FFA members in 4 competitions will be moving on to the Sectional Speaking Contest after competing at District. Colton Branville competed in Job Interview and Prepared Speaking. Eric Blaser competed in Prepared Speaking. Isaiah Tretsven competed in Extemporaneous Speaking and Discussion. Tanner Van Meter, Jonah Tretsven, and Chase James were members of the Middle School Quiz Bowl team.
Prepared Speaking
1st- Eric Blaser
2nd- Colton Branville
1st- Isaiah Tretsven
Extemporaneous Speaking
2nd- Isaiah Tretsven
Job Interview
1st- Colton Branville
Eric, Colton, and Isaiah will be competing at the Sectional Speaking Contest in Amery in March. Isaiah is eligible to compete in both Discussion and Extemporaneous. Colton will be able to compete in both Prepared and Job Interview.