The Luck FFA team took 1st place at the Wildlife State Career Development Event contest. The contest was held in Madison. There were 37 teams that competed. Teams had to qualify at a regional event. Team members were Brandon Holdt, Karsten Petersen, Colton Branville, and Austin Holdt. Brandon placed 2nd as an individual and Karsten placed 4th. The team had 27 more points than the 2nd place team.
The Wildlife team will receive a trophy at the State FFA Convention in June. The National FFA Organization does not have a national level of competition for Wildlife CDE so they will not be competing at a higher level.
The objective of the Wildlife Contest is for FFA members to test their knowledge of wildlife,
environment, habitat requirements and legal regulations. Students identify wildlife pelts, mounts, tracks and equiptment. A written exam is also administered to test students understanding of hunting/fishing regulations and wildlife knowledge.
The Dairy Evaluation team placed 30th our of 54. Team members were Summer Johnson, Luke Christensen, Isaiah Tretsven, and Billy Schallenberger. The Dairy team also had to qualify to attend this event.
Individual Placings
2nd - Brandon Holdt
4th - Karsten Petersen
14th - Colton Branville
31st - Austin Holdt
Dairy Evaluation 72 - Isaiah Tretsven 87 - Summer Johnson 154 - Luke Christensen 170 - Billy Schallenberger