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Poultry Evaluation Team at State CDE
Members of the Luck FFA took part in the state career development event on April 25-26 at UW-Madison. The team consisting of Lydia Uhlig,...

Dairy & Poultry Teams Compete at UW-RF
Six Luck FFA members competed in the UW-River Falls Ag Tech Contest. The contest also serves as a regional FFA Career Development Event...

UW-River Falls Ag Tech Contest
Some members of the Luck FFA participated in Career Development Events at the Ag Tech Contest held at UW-River Falls. The Luck FFA team...

2016 Tri-County Soil Judging Contest
The 2016 Tri-County Soil Judging Contest was won this year by a team of four students from Webster High School: Brett Johnson, Maggie...
State FFA CDE 2013
Here are the results from the State FFA CDE (Career Development Event) Competition in Madison. Ag Mechanics Team- 21st Cole Engstrand-...

Wildlife Management Team Wins Again
Career Development Event Results at UW-River Falls The Wildlife team once again took first place. Since the Wildlife team won the state...

1st Place at State Wildlife CDE Contest
The Luck FFA team took 1st place at the Wildlife State Career Development Event contest. The contest was held in Madison. There were 37...

Luck FFA Wildlife Team Wins Contest
The Luck FFA had 3 teams competing at the Regional FFA Career Development Event (CDE) contest at UW-River Falls. The three teams competed...
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