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Grant for Ag Fact Signs
Polk-Burnett’s Operation Round Up awarded $16,470 to 16 nonprofits serving our community April 7. Spring grant funds will support local...

Luck FFA Featured on Wisconsin DPI Website
The Luck FFA was recently featured on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction's website in one of their Career and Technical...

Pigs, 3D Printer, and Woodworking Grants
The Wisconsin Pork Association's Youth Pig Project awarded Amelia and Thomas King $50 each to offset the cost of purchasing piglets to...

Ag in the Classroom Teacher Mini-Grant
Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Classroom program has awarded five teacher mini-grants to be used for agricultural literacy lessons and...

Wounded Warrior Project
For Veteran's Day this year, the Luck FFA and Luck FFA Alumni donated each donated $250 to the Wounded Warrior Project. The Wounded...

MORE for Agriculture
Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom is excited to announce that 29 Wisconsin teachers will be receiving MORE for Agriculture grants for “The...

Grants for Growing Winner
The Luck FFA was awarded a $2,000 grant from the National FFA and Tractor Supply Company to provide two new mig welders for agricultural...

Virtual State FFA Convention
The Wisconsin FFA hosted a virtual State FFA Convention this year. The Luck FFA received a P.R.I.D.E Award for the second year in a row....

FFA Receives Operation Round Up Grant
Polk-Burnett’s Operation Round Up awarded $34,753 to 35 nonprofits serving our community, including $1,500 each to five local food...

Luck Receives Wisconsin FFA Foundation Grant
The Luck FFA Chapter is the recipient of the Community Service grant by the Wisconsin FFA Foundation, available because of generous...

Luck FFA & Alumni Awards
At Luck's Virtual Senior Awards Night, Ms. Konder presented the Luck FFA and Alumni scholarships and awards. The following graduating FFA...

Cultivating Agriculture for Luck
Luck FFA has received a matching grant from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation's Ag in the Classroom program.

Monty's Traveling Reptile Show
The Luck FFA and Luck FFA Alumni chapters sponsored the Monty's Traveling Reptile Show to present to students and the public in...

District Leadership Development Event at Shell Lake
Luck FFA had 12 members compete at the District 1 Leadership Development Event (AKA speaking contest) hosted by Shell Lake FFA on...

2nd Annual Luck FFA Silent Auction
Special thanks to everyone who donated to the Luck FFA Silent Auction. Wild Mountain North Shore Railway Fogo De Chao Green Bay Packers...

FFA Receives Pollinator Grant
Fourteen Wisconsin schools have been awarded grants to establish habitat for imperiled insect pollinators and monarch butterflies. The...

Runner-up in Essay Contest - Ella Tretsven
Ella Tretsven, Luck FFA President, was selected as a runner-up in the 2020 Wisconsin GROWMARK essay contest for FFA members. One winner...

Ella Tretsven Receives SAE Grant
In a record-setting day, the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Grant committee of the Wisconsin FFA Foundation awarded nearly...

Fall Leadership Conferences
The Luck FFA Chapter attended the National FFA Organization’s 212º and 360º Conferences at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells,...

Luck Tech Ed Receives Grant
The Luck technical education department was award a $650 grant to purchase 12 new welding helmets. The grant was awarded by Polk-Burnett...
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