Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom is excited to announce that 29 Wisconsin teachers will be receiving MORE for Agriculture grants for “The Hungry Planet” project. Wisconsin has been working in partnership with Illinois Ag in the Classroom and Minnesota Ag in the Classroom programs to make this opportunity available to teachers and students.
Ms. Konder received this grant for the Luck ag ed program.
Grant recipients will receive 30 copies of the book “The Hungry Planet” by Peter Menzel to use in their classes during the upcoming school year. The book details food consumption of families around the world. Grant recipients will participate in a virtual training where they will receive lesson plan ideas, resources and learn other ways to use the books. This grant is made possible by the generous support of the Compeer Financial Fund for Rural America, the corporate giving program of Compeer Financial.
View all the recipients here https://www.wisagclassroom.org/news/wisconsin-ag-in-the-classroom-partnership-awards-more-grants-to-teachers/
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation’s Ag in the Classroom program is designed to help K-12 students understand the importance of agriculture. The program is coordinated by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with funding from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation, other agricultural groups and a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. Learn more at wisagclassroom.org.
