Ella Tretsven, Luck FFA President, was selected as a runner-up in the 2020 Wisconsin GROWMARK essay contest for FFA members. One winner and four runners-up were named. She will receive a $125 award.
Olivia Olson of Lake Mills, Wisconsin, has been named the Wisconsin state winner of the 2020 GROWMARK essay contest for FFA members. The theme of this year’s contest was “Describe the ‘Farmer of the Future.’ What tools or skills will he or she need to be successful?”
In her contest entry, Olson said: “Some of these future farmers haven’t even been born yet. Some of their techniques or devices haven’t even been developed yet. They will grow up in a technologically advanced society, inventing state-of-the-art innovations not yet known to agriculture.”
Olson is a student at Lake Mills High School and a member of the Lake Mills FFA chapter. Her FFA advisor is Luke Wiedenfeld.
As the contest winner, Olson will receive a $500 award from GROWMARK at the Wisconsin FFA State Convention in Madison, held in June. The Lake Mills FFA chapter will also receive a $300 award in honor of her accomplishment.
Four state runners-up will each receive a $125 award. The runners-up and their FFA chapters are, in alphabetical order: Emma Hamilton, Adams-Friendship FFA Chapter, Friendship, Wisconsin; Madeline Hensel, Pittsville FFA Chapter, Pittsville, Wisconsin; Katrina Hoesly, Denmark FFA Chapter, Denmark, Wisconsin; and Ella Tretsven, Luck FFA Chapter, Cushing, Wisconsin.
This is the 27th year for the program, sponsored by the GROWMARK System and FS member cooperatives, in conjunction with state FFA leaders, to help young people develop their writing skills, learn about current issues in agriculture, and understand the unique role of cooperatives.
