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Section 1 Leadership Workshop
On Tuesday, September 18th, the Luck FFA Chapter went to the Amery Sectional Leadership Conference. There they learned the how tobetter...

Central National Dairy Judging 2012
The Central National FFA Dairy Judging event was held at World Dairy Expo on October 2, 2012. Luck FFA team placed 75th out of 124 teams....

Wisconsin FFA Convention 2012
Luck FFA attended the 83rd Wisconsin State Convention in Madison along with Frederic FFA. The theme for this year’s convention was Unlock...

1st Place at State Wildlife CDE Contest
The Luck FFA team took 1st place at the Wildlife State Career Development Event contest. The contest was held in Madison. There were 37...

Luck FFA Wildlife Team Wins Contest
The Luck FFA had 3 teams competing at the Regional FFA Career Development Event (CDE) contest at UW-River Falls. The three teams competed...

2011 Wisconsin SAE Grant Awarded
Summer Johnson was award a SAE grant by the Wisconsin FFA Foundation for an organic agriculture SAE. The Wisconsin FFA Foundation...

Wisconsin State FFA Convention 2011
Summer Johnson was honored with a Three Star Leader Award. The Three Star Leader Award is based on the local FFA chapter qualifying and...
Luck FFA Alumni Banquet
The Luck FFA Alumni banquet was held on Sunday, February 28 at Hog Wild. Members of the Alumni, FFA, and community attended. Luck FFA...

Isaiah Tretsven Receives Dairy SAE Grant
Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs get Largest Funding Boost to Date: $29,300 to 39 students The Wisconsin FFA Foundation selected 39...
Frederic FFA Hosts Donkey Basketball
On Saturday, February 27, the Frederic FFA hosted donkey basketball. The first game was a competition between Frederic FFA and Luck FFA....
Two Members Attend Half-Time
Summer Johnson and Karie Bartlett attended the Wisconsin FFA Half-time Conference in Stevens Point held on January 8-9. More than 400 FFA...
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