MADISON, Wis. [June 8, 2021] – The Wisconsin FFA Foundation announces seven recipients of the 2021 Chapter Grants, totaling $7,200. This long-thriving program continues to support Wisconsin Association of FFA chapter activities that enrich and better their members and communities.
The AgCountry Farm Credit Services chapter grant was awarded to Auburndale FFA and Granton FFA. Auburndale plans to outfit their new meat/food processing lab which will not only teach the students new skills, but it will also allow the program to have a seamless partnership with their food service staff. Granton will utilize the funds to expand learning opportunities for all students by building a large animal learning lab.
The second grant is a donation from the Burton H. Morris estate, awarded to the Adams-Friendship FFA and Wisconsin Dells FFA chapters. Morris, an FFA and agricultural education supporter in Adams County, passed in 2016 and has left funds in his will for chapters that have students within Adams county limits. Both chapters plan to outfit their programs with much-needed equipment to expand their agriculture programs.
Two chapters, Luck and Amery, have been awarded a Wisconsin FFA Convention Chapter Grant. This program was established by the Midwest Farm Report Network with Pam Jahnke to help members attend a future Wisconsin FFA Convention.
Riverdale FFA is this year’s recipient of the Food for America grant, once again funded by the Wisconsin FFA Foundation’s long-time Two-Star Mission Partner, Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative, Inc. Riverdale will utilize the funds to add a raised garden opportunity, introducing students to plant-based food production.
The Wisconsin FFA Foundation is grateful and extends a thank you to the sponsors who continue to dedicate financial resources to chapter grants each year. These sponsors make possible many unique projects and special opportunities for Wisconsin FFA chapters and members.
