Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative granted Luck Ag Ed department $600 from their Operation Round Up grants. The Ag Ed department is using the grant to purchase a microscope and veterinary science supplies for the classroom.
Polk-Burnett’s Operation Round Up awarded $19,500 to 19 nonprofits serving our community January 6, including Friends of Larsen Family Public Library in Webster (pictured above) and other programs that support local youth and families, schools and senior citizens.
Winter Operation Round Up grant recipients are:
1. WPCA Radio-Dream Center, $1,000, CD recorder, turntables and microphones
2. Caring Hearts Thrift Shop, $1,500, Webster food pantry
3. Interfaith Caregivers of Polk County, $1,500, recruit, screen, schedule and retain volunteers
4. Endeavors Adult Development Ctr., $1,000, help adults with disabilities maintain independence
5. Unity High School Ag Program, $500, dishwasher for ag kitchen/lab
6. Luck Ag Education, $600, tools for vet science course
7. Turtle Lake School, $1,000, baby simulators for childcare and child development course
8. Friends of Larsen Family Public Library, $1,000, books for children at area daycares
9. STAR Education Foundation, $1,000, food backpack program for St. Croix Falls students
10. Clear Lake Public Library, $1,000, large print books
11. Salvation Army, Polk County, $1,500, food backpack program for Polk County schools
12. Salvation Army, Burnett County, $1,500, food backpack program for Burnett County schools
13. Polk County Information Center, $1,000, 2022 tourism conference
14. Rowdy Red Hat Mamas, $500, crisis comfort care kits for women in local hospital emergency rooms
15. St. Croix Valley Orchestra, $1,000, music and equipment for the orchestra
16. Ruby’s Food Shelf-Siren, $1,000, gas cards for food shelf recipients
17. Grantsburg Area Historical Society, $1,000, improvements for one-room schoolhouse
18. Golden Age Manor, $1,400, automated external defibrillator (AED)
19. North Woods and Waters of the St. Croix, $500, online guide for local nonprofits
Funding for Operation Round Up is donated by members of Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative who round their monthly electric bill up to the next even dollar amount. Grant recipients are selected quarterly by a committee of co-op members, with financial donations awarded to nonprofit organizations that improve our local quality of life.
“Polk-Burnett is pleased to support our community through Operation Round Up, and we thank our members for their participation and generosity. Operation Round Up aligns with our co-op values and enables us to power our community with more than electricity,” said Polk-Burnett General Manager Steve Stroshane. “Together, we are making a difference.”
Nonprofit organizations interested in applying for a grant or co-op members who’d like to round their bill up in support of Operation Round Up may contact 800-421-0283 or visit our Operation Round Up webpage. The next application deadline is March 1.
