After winning the Wisconsin FFA Talent Competition, Cassie Johnson submitted a video and application for the National FFA Talent Contest. She was one of 42 acts selected for the contest and the only one from Wisconsin. She will be competing at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. Participants are also required to put on additional performances at various venues around Indianapolis.
Nicole Dittbrenner will be receiving her American FFA Degree. Only FFA members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their supervised agricultural experiences are eligible for the American FFA Degree. The award will be presented at the National FFA Convention. Nicole has won various proficiency awards for her SAE projects for wildlife management, dairy production, and sheep production.
Levi Johnson and Gracie Skog received their very own FFA jacket as part of the National FFA Organization's Give Blue program. Ms. Konder nominated them for the program. Since 2014, more than 3,500 jackets have been gifted to deserving FFA members nationwide. Consider donating to the Give Blue program.
Luck FFA members attended the Sectional Leadership Workshop in Barron on September 16. The attendees were Duane Iverson, Gracie Skog, and Ella Tretsven. The FFA had 2,275 FFA members, advisors and alumni attend the workshops around the state based around the theme “Start Your Engines”.
Luck FFA members attended the World Dairy Expo with Ms. Konder. Attendees were Tyler Chappelear, Tim Thompson, and Levi Johnson. They participated in the Central National Dairy Judging FFA Contest. There were 118 FFA teams in the competition. They were able to see the trade show and dairy cattle show as well. Other competitions FFA members can compete in at the expo include forage management, dairy showmanship, and dairy projects.
The Luck FFA is conducted a fall mum sale.
National FFA Talent Contest 2019 Participants

Updated Oct 17 2019