Farmers can nominate their local public school district for a $10,000 or $25,000 grant from January 1 – April 1 for America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education Grant. America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, partners with farmers across the U.S. to support rural schools by offering grants, focused on enhancing STEM education and curriculum.
America's Farmers Grow Rural Education was introduced in 2011 to partner with farmers to support their local school districts. The program offers farmers the opportunity to nominate rural public school districts to compete for merit-based STEM grants of either $10,000 or $25,000.
An Eligible Farmer must: 1) be 21 years of age or older at time of nomination, and 2) be actively engaged in farming a minimum of 250 acres. A farmer is “actively engaged in farming” if he or she performs the work on the farm, or hires and actively manages others who do so.
After a school district receives its first nomination, the Monsanto Fund will notify them and encourage them to develop a project and submit an application that enhances math and/or science education in their district. School districts are responsible for submitting their grant application by April 15. Once all of the school district applications are submitted, a panel of math and science teachers reviews each application and selects the finalists.
Then the Farmer Advisory Council, composed of farmers from across the U.S., reviews and selects the winning grant applications from a pool of finalists. Grant applications will be judged based on the merit of the application, need, and community support. The more farmers who nominate a school, the more community support that is shown. Winners are announced in August.
Official Rules
