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Luck FFA & Alumni Banquet

Updated: Apr 11, 2019

The Luck FFA & Alumni held their annual banquet on March 1, 2015. It was held at the Luck School cafeteria. Luck FFA members received awards such as the Discovery, Greenhand, and Chapter FFA Degrees.

Krystal Zuniga received the Leadership Award. Nicole Dittbrenner, Brandon Hostrup, and Julianna Thompson were presented with awards for selling the most fruit for the annual fundraiser.

Luck FFA Alumni sponsorship plaques were handed out to the 2014 sponsors and donors.

Kystal Zuniga and Jessica Mattson, co-presidents of Luck FFA, recited the FFA Creed. Mike Fisk was a guest speaker as well as Wisconsin FFA Parliamentarian, Ethan Dado. Thank you to everyone who attended.

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