Career Development Events
Compete in one of the following contests.
Ag Sales
Ag Technologies & Mechanics
Dairy Handler
Environmental Science (Envirothon)
Farm Business Management
Livestock Evaluation
Meat Evaluation & Technology
Milk Quality & Products
Nursery & Landscape
Poultry Evaluation
Soils Judging
Veterinary Science
Wildlife Management
Most of the regional CDE contests are held at UW-River Falls for our region. Some teams will need to qualify at this contest to compete at the state competition at UW-Madison. Other teams can compete at the state competition without qualifying elsewhere.
The State Soils Judging CDE is held at Wisconsin Farm Technology Days each year.
The State contest for Marketing Plan CDE is held at state FFA convention.
The state Environmental Science CDE is held at the Wisconsin Envirothon. The top FFA team will be the winner of the CDE.
For more information and resources, visit the Wisconsin CDE page.
World Dairy Expo FFA Contests
Central National Dairy Cattle Judging
Central National Dairy Showmanship
Central National Dairy Products Judging
World Forage Management Cup
World Dairy Expo and exhibitors also host educational seminars and special activities for FFA members on the same day.
Find out more here
Region 10 Arabian Horse Judging
Region 10 Arabian Horse Judging
Divisions: 4H/FFA, Arabian Horse Association, Collegiate
Judging Contest includes 2 halter classes, 3 performances classes, and oral reasons for 1 halter and 1 performance class.
Held in Southern Wisconsin in spring
Midwest Horse Fair Horse Judging
The Midwest Horse Fair has horse judging contests for youth. There is divisions for 10-13 years old, 14-17 years old, and 18+ years old. Judging contest includes 2 halter classes, 2 performance classes, 20 observation questions, and a written test.
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival Judging
Age Divisions:
Junior 11-13
Intermediate: 14-17
Senior: 18-21
Contest Makeup: 2 to 3 classes of breeding sheep, 1 class of market lambs, 10 questions on each class, Skillathon, identify retail lamb cuts, fleece class
Held in September